Monday, February 7, 2011

Finally! A post from Andrea...

Here's what you have all been waiting for...a post from Andrea! :)

The last two weeks have been great - been keeping up with the training calendar and running outside as much as possible - no treadmill for me if I can help it! It was so icy outside this morning though; I saw my neighbor a few hours later and she said she was inside her house watching me "test the street" as I headed out. Parts of my run were great and part of the time I thought I was crazy and should just head back home to the treadmill. But I stayed with it - even actually had to do some skating down one of the hills as I couldn't even take steps!

I have been thinking of the top 10 reasons why I run and while some of them may be subject to change, here is what they are as of today:

1 - It's a REAL workout! I can always feel it after I am done; my body knows I pushed it. Nothing like your feet against the road.
2 - I want to be a great role model for my two daughters. They get excited about races that I do and they like to do races as well when we find kids running or biking events. I want them to always be interested in physical fitness and since they already mimic me, I would say they are off to a good start!
3 - For some reason, I love my sweaty clothes! Just proof again that I had a great workout.
4 - It's a social outlet for me. I don't have a ton of adult interaction throughout my week so it is a great social activity for me to join my running friends and have some conversations. My running friends keep me motivated - I am proud to run with them!
5 - LOVE my running shoes. They are super comfy and supportive and helped me recover from some pretty severe shin splints last year. Overall, the most comfortable shoes to wear ever are running shoes - especially those that are too worn to even run in anymore. You can frequently catch me in my old, ripped-out running shoes out and about town!
6 - It's fun to wear your race shirt after an event. It's a little badge that "you did it!" and I am always proud to show off the new shirt. It is a small reward for my efforts!
7 - I love the excitement at the start and end of a race. Nothing like stepping across the start line with your adrenaline pumping and the anticipation of the route ahead - and then of course, nothing like crossing the finish line. Enough said.
8 - The diversity of running is motivating to me. It's interesting to people watch at events and to see folks "of age" or with some type of disability that are out there. If they can do it, so can the rest of us.
9 - Running is great for maintaining or losing weight (ok, the losing part would work better if I didn't like food so much!) I am not a stick and don't look like a runner but maybe if I manage my food intake a little better I would lose those last few lbs - for now, it definitely helps me to maintain!
10 - It is the only time I get to listen to my music non-interrupted! I can plug into my ipod, listen to Lady GaGa (yes, Mirna, just as bad as Britney!) and any of the other dance music I have downloaded. A lot of people would like the peace and quiet - I wish I could play my music even louder (have to keep it low for safety-sake.) Anyway, LOVE to listen to my ipod!!

There they are, in no particular order, the reasons why I like to run.


  1. Woo hoo! Go Andrea! Love your post and I can relate to all...BTW I ran to lady Gaga today Haha!

  2. welcome to blogland, andrea! : ) can't wait to read more of your posts as we embark upon this journey together!
