The Marathon That Almost BUSTED Me!
“Please don’t throw up, please don’t throw up…please just let me get through this”.
As Andrea stated, the day of the race already started warmer than any other long run we had trained for. I thought I had eaten and drank enough for 26.2 miles, and was ready to tackle the race! After taking a few pictures, a quick bathroom break, it was time for the race to begin…and we took off!
With adrenaline kicking in, we started running at a 9 min/mile pace ROOKIE MISTAKE #1 (never start a race too fast)-it was much faster than our training runs, but I felt excited and energetic and went with it…until Mile 6. Then I realized I would not be able to keep up that pace, so I slowed down a little bit. Fearful of dehydration I drank cups of water and HEED at every water station which was every 2 miles-ROOKIE MISTAKE #2 (never drink or eat anything you did not train with, such as HEED). I also had been used to wearing my water belt on the long runs and sipping along as we ran our distance-ROOKIE MISTAKE #3 (wear the same gear as your training runs, such as your running belt).
Around mile 10 I started to feel the water and HEED sitting in my belly. But I kept running. We were also given advice by marathon veterans to take GU’s about every hour, no matter what, even if we had to GAG it down. ROOKIE MISTAKE #4, (Don’t change your nutrition schedule from what you did on your training runs). I was used to taking GU after 90-100 minutes, not after every 60 minutes. So I ended up taking more than my training runs. Add that to the warm water and HEED sitting in my belly, it was a recipe for disaster. By Mile 12, I started to feel nauseaus. For the next four miles I had to walk /run because I was feeling sick. A few times I started to see black spots and heard a “swooshing” sound in my ear. Looking back I probably should have stopped but I was so determined to finish even though I was literally overheating and dehydrated as the minutes ticked along. By Mile 16 it felt like I was walking more than running. I kept “ver-ping” which was vomit/burping, and I literally had to focus on not puking. But I kept going…I could not believe this was my marathon experience. IT SUCKED!
I thought about calling Chris and having him pick me up around mile 18. I was so sick of this trail, we had spent countless hours running up and down this very route –ROOKIE MISTAKE #5 (don’t overtrain so muych on the same trail that you become sick of it! Keep your runs fresh and fun). Anyway, back to the race…around Mile 18 I heard Andrea! My marathon mama angel! I was so happy to see her, mainly because if I passed out at least I knew she would get help for me! Joking! (not really) It was so nice to have the distraction as well and have her motivate me, chat with me, anything to not think about throwing up!
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Picture courtesy of MIM gal Debbie |
Those last few miles were a blur. Although I remember being so happy to see some Moms in Motion ladies cheering us on (Kathy and Debbie) which just about brought tears to my eyes to see them support us along. Finally around mile 25 I saw my mother in law who so graciously agreed to run the last mile with me. I started to focus on all the support I was receiving and mustered all I could into running and finishing strong…Okay honestly I focused on staying upright.
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FINALLY, the finish line |
That last mile lasted FOREVER but finally, finally, FINALLY I saw my daughter, my family, and the other mamas family…and of course the FINISH LINE! Yahoo! I saw Sarah at the end, who had a great race. She totally kicked Booty! Go Sarah! I said a few words to her, trying not to pass out and vomit. I was so happy to be done. So my final time was 4:59:08…just shy of 5 hours..augh…
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My #1 Supporter |
My first marathon experience was horrific. I can’t really say I enjoyed it. It was so heart breaking for me as I thought of all the Saturdays I gave up, long hours I put into my runs, the time away from my baby girl…ony to have such a tramautic experience. This couldn’t be it!!! Could it???
I moped around the rest of that day and the next, disappointment in myself, even though I had just ran a MARATHON! It was no easy feat and rather than being proud and excited, all I felt was disappointment and frustration. Helllo! Pity Party…reservation for ONE!
So what was my solution to my Pity Party??? Why, run another marathon of course! And to add more excitedment to it, why not run another one 3 weeks later! (more to come on that)
Anyway, I am greatful for the support my friends and famiy throughout the past 6 months-it has been an exhausting but a very fulfilling journey. I’ve learned a lot about myself and about running. I’ve always grown closer to four amazing women who inspire and motivate me in very different ways.
Thank you ladies and looking forward to more future runs. WE DID IT!!!