Saturday, May 21, 2011

Week 16 Complete: MARATHON or BUST

We ALL survived our first marathon. However, some of us have been too traumatized to post our experience...okay just kidding, we are still recovering!

However, we promise to post our marathon soon! But thanks for checking us out!

-Spokane Marathon Mamas

Saturday, May 7, 2011

Week 15 Complete-Total Weekly Miles=19

Our last weekend run and of course it has to rain!!! But it was nice to have the whole gang back together again one last time before the MARATHON!!! It was a misty, cool 8 mile loop beginning at Manito Duck Pond up to 57th off High Drive and back to Manito. It's amazing how 8 miles seemed so short compared to all our previous Saturday runs. Thanks for a great run ladies!

Mirna, Sarah, Ashley, Andrea, and Bethany

-Posted by Mirna

Friday, May 6, 2011

You Might Be A Runner...

You might be a runner if ...

1. Your shoes have more miles on them than your car does.
2. You run farther in a week than your car travels for work.
3. The dogs have to hurry to keep up.
4. Your calves are bigger than your biceps.
5. You schedule life around your long runs.
6. You spend more on work-out clothes than work clothes.
7. You wear those same work-out clothes on the weekends regularly.
8. You carry a water bottle with you everywhere you go.
9. You're running in your dreams.
10.You combine phrases like "8 miles"and "short run" in the same breath.

-posted by Mirna

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Mid Week Run

"Some running is good, more is better, and too much is just enough." - Anonymous

We are down to the final weeks before M-Day! Andrea and Mirna made plans to run early Wednesday morning again at 5:30 to get through their long mid week run. After completing 8 miles in the beautiful morning weather, they felt ready to tackle the day.

However, it wasn't until later that evening that Mirna discovered that they were only supposed to do 5 miles that day! Oops, oh well, now time to enjoy the Taper!

-posted by Mirna

Monday, May 2, 2011

Spokane Marathon Mamas Shirt

Mirna realized after writing about Bloomsday that we hadn't had the opportunity to showcase our fun Spokane Marathon Mama Shirts!
Shortly after we began our marathon training, we decided we needed to get shirts to make our unofficial running group, well, official! We looked at different logos and even asked a local shirt vendor for possible ideas, which she kindly drafted. However, little did we know that Bethany was an artist at heart! She came up with our cute design for our shirt logo-a running mom. (See Shirt above)

We also decided to personalize our shirts with quotes to go on the back. Mirna decided to go with "Running...cheaper than therapy" since running has helped keep her somewhat "sane" LOL. Andrea decided to go with "Run Mommy Run" since her motivation is her two beautiful girls. Sarah decided to just leave the back side of her shirt blank.

Ashley and Bethany decided to go with some humor. Ashley's shirt says "twenty six point freakin' two" and Bethany chose "I thought you said it was only 2.62 miles?!" Ashley and Bethany running side by side created a few chuckles during Bloomsday.

We will post pictures of the back side of our shirts soon. But otherwise we will proudly wear our SMM shirts on Race Day!

-Posted by Mirna

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Week 14 Complete! Total Weekly Miles=27 Miles

Let the Tapering Begin!!!

2011 Bloomsday 12K-Personal Best For All

Q: Know how you get a personal best for Bloomsday?
A: Train for a marathon! Then 12K seems just like another short mid week run!

Okay, well maybe not just another short run...but still, compared to our previous 20 mile long runs, completing 7.46 miles seemed much more do-able.

The days leading up to the race was terrible-we had rain, sleet, hailstones, and gusty wind. I guess it was typical Spokane spring weather! However, Sunday morning the weather was PERFECT-full of sunshine, but not too hot.

I had the opportunity to run for my company's Corporate Team: Gentiva Home Health. Talk about Royal Treatment! We received special dry wick corporate shirts, bags that we could check things in during the race, and free food after the race.

Ashely, Andrea, and Bethany were in the Yellow Section proudly wearing their Spokane Marathon Mama shirts. I was jealous that I couldn't wear mine, but since Gentiva paid for my entry fee and corporate opporunity, I wore my Gentiva shirt instead.

Mirna, Ashley, Andrea, and Bethany

Anyway we ran the course, settling into a comfortable pace. We had all the right elements to have a great race-motivating crowd, good food, familiar course, etc. We all finished strong, and although did not all finish together, we were able to meet up after the race to congratulate one another on a great run. Unfortunately, Ashley's D-Tag Timing Chip did not register so she was not able to get an "official" time, but since she ran with Andrea, we can estimate her final time close to Andrea's.

So here's our stats:

Bethany: 1:10:50 (PREVIOUS PR 1:14:46)
Overall Place: 7, 253 out of 50, 611
Ran with a pace of 9:29 per mile

Mirna: 1:03:19 (PREVIOUS PR 1:20:56)
Overall Place: 3, 749 out of 50, 611
Ran with a pace of 8:29 per mie

Andrea: 1:12:29 (PREVIOUS PR 1:16:41)
Overall Place: 8, 077 out of 50, 611
Ran with a pace of 9:42 per mile

Ashley: 1:12:29 (PREVIOUS PR 1:16:45)
Overall Place: 8, 078 out of 50, 611
Ran with a pace of 9:42 per mile

Post Race-Mirna, Ashley, Andrea & Bethany

Overall it was such a great race for all of us. It was a nice confidence boost to know we have improved even with "shorter" runs since beginning our marathon training.  I think it also helped to have used the Bloomsday route as one of our mid week runs, therefore we more or less had an idea how the course was set up, hills, etc. even though we have run the race before.

The dreaded "Doomsday" Hill

So another race in the books!

Looking forward to finally completing our Marathon in less than two weeks!!!

-posted by Mirna